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Sample Core Video


Click below to play a sample Core Video from our CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest 3 Online Prep program.

This particular video focuses on Contextual Analysis of Theater, highlighting particular styles that are important to know for the exam.



Our online prep programs include Core Videos like this one teaching every key topic on your exam.


Core Videos Included in Your Program


Below is a complete list of the Core Videos that are included in all of our CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest 3 Online Prep programs.

These videos were created by our team of teachers and subject matter experts based on the official CSET content specifications.

  • Movement
  • Technical Skills
  • Analysis
  • Elements of Music
  • Musical Ideas and Connections
  • Selecting Music
  • Creating a Story
  • Improvisation and Design
  • Contextual Analysis (You are currently viewing this free sample video)
  • Tools, Materials & Techniques
  • Purposes of Art
  • Connections and Values
  • Movement Concepts and Types of Movement
  • Biomechanics and Critical Elements of Movement Skills
  • Benefits of a Physically Active Lifestyle
  • Safety and Medical Factors in PE
  • Exercise Principles and Selecting Activities
  • Rules of Games, Sports, and Other Physical Activities
  • Sequential Development of Physical Abilities
  • Factors Influencing Movement and Coordination
  • Factors Impacting Health and Well-Being
  • Psychological Aspects of PE
  • Recognizing Individual Differences
  • Encouraging Pro-Social Behavior
  • History of Games, Sports and Other Physical Activities
  • Basic Concepts of Cognitive Development
  • Basic Concepts of Moral Development
  • Stages of Cognitive Development
  • Cognitive Characteristics of Play
  • Perspectives on Intelligence
  • Basic Concepts of Personality and Temperament
  • Stages of Social and Physical Development
  • Social Characteristics of Play
  • Influences on Behavioral Development
  • Genetic and Organic Factors Impacting Development
  • Societal Factors Impacting Development
  • Abuse and Neglect
  • Using Developmental Concepts to Explain Children’s Behavior

When you enroll in CSET Multiple Subjects Online Prep for Subtest 3, you'll get access to Core Videos covering every test domain, including Dance; Music; Theatre; Visual Art; Movement Skills and Movement Knowledge; Self Image and Personal Development; Social Development; Cognitive Development from Birth Through Adolescence; Social and Physical Development from Birth Through Adolescence; and Influences on Development from Birth Through Adolescence.

Your prep program also includes Test Tutoring Videos in which an experienced teacher discusses each question on your full-length practice test. You'll learn how to apply the subject matter knowledge from our Core Videos to the types of questions you'll encounter on the real exam.


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