About Us


Teachers Test Prep is the nationwide leader in credentialing exam preparation. We're proud to serve over 850,000 individual account holders as well as top universities, schools, districts, and other teachers' organizations.

Our free services include online overview Study Guides and Full-Length Practice Tests with individualized diagnostic breakdowns.

Our paid services include Live Prep Classes, offered both on Zoom and in-person, One-on-One Tutoring for those who need personalized help, and our popular Online Prep, which uses engaging instructional videos and interactive learning features to help students prepare at their own pace. 


Ethically Minded

All of our prep services take an ethical approach. Our goal is not to "game the test." Instead, our programs are highly subject-matter focused, helping students master both the key content knowledge and the strategies needed to effectively apply this knowledge to their exam.

We want to make sure our students genuinely understand the material being tested, so they can feel confident on exam day— and continue to use what they've learned throughout their careers, long after they've passed the test.  


Community Oriented

We aim to help all aspiring teachers reach their goals. That's why we offer financial assistance to qualifying students, ensuring access to quality preparation materials, regardless of income level.

Each year, we also support educators through our "Pass the Torch" Teacher Scholarships Program where we award $10,000 in scholarships to future K-12 teachers who tell us the story of a teacher who inspired them, and what they'd like to pass on to the students they will one day teach.


Highly Effective

We believe quality teaching makes all the difference. Our Teachers, Tutors and Program Creators have years of classroom experience, hold advanced degrees from top universities, and have in-depth knowledge about the exams in which they specialize. Just as importantly, they are all caring, patient and engaging teachers who share one goal: to help you succeed.

Our programs are backed by the strongest guarantees you'll find. For example, our Core Plus Online Prep Programs have a full money-back guarantee if students don't pass after two attempts, and have a 93-98% success rate, depending on the particular exam (based on guarantee redemptions). We also offer an extended support alternative for many of our programs, which includes one-on-one tutoring. Read more on our Guarantees page.


Please select your exam below to learn more about our services and get started.

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