Because great teaching makes all the difference.
Our Mission
Whether it’s the CBEST, CPACE, CSET, edTPA, FTCE, ParaPro, Praxis, RICA or TExES, how you perform on your exam can have an important impact on your future. We appreciate the trust you place in us when you choose Teachers Test Prep. That’s why we don’t promise easy fixes or ways to “game the test.” Instead, we believe the best way to help our students succeed is through real learning and great teaching.
This means making lessons engaging and enjoyable, with teachers and tutors who are knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects. And it means helping you genuinely understand the subject matter being tested, so you can handle the wide array of potential questions on your exam with confidence - and continue to use what you’ve learned in your career, long after you’ve passed the test.
Pass the Torch Scholarships
Each year we give $10,000 in scholarships to aspiring K-12 teachers. We ask applicants to tell us the story of a teacher who inspired them, and what they would like to pass on to the students they will one day teach.
Learn More About Our Scholarship Program
Meet Our 2024-25 “Pass the Torch” Teacher Scholarship Finalists.