Foundation Academies


Teachers Test Prep is proud to partner with Foundation Academies to provide diagnostics and test prep services to their teachers.

Foundation Academies is the largest and highest-ranking K-12 free public charter school in Trenton, NJ. Our mission is to ensure that all of our students secure the academic knowledge and skills to prepare them for the nation's finest colleges, and to instill in them the core values of caring, respect, responsibility, and honesty.

With an unwavering focus on our children, Foundation Academies seeks to continually improve ourselves and our schools in order to spark and support educational excellence across our great city. Our consistently high ranking among public schools in New Jersey and seven consecutive years of 100% college acceptance demonstrate that with the support of dedicated teachers and staff, all children, irrespective of race, gender, or socioeconomic background, can succeed at a great public school.

If you are a current teacher with Foundation Academies, please DO NOT create an account on our website yourself. Instead, please contact your support staff for more information about the special services to which you have access.

To learn more about Foundation Academies, please click below to visit the official website.

Interested in learning more about our Organizational Partnership Program?  Please visit our Partnership Opportunities page.


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